Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Two Brothers Two Paths

Nov 19, 2020

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I made a total life commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Ricky was the first person I called to tell the good news. He said he was happy for me, but he didn’t know what else to say.

In my stumbling, faltering, confusing and excited way I tried to tell him how to receive Jesus into his life. Rick had quit high school, was working as a manager at a steak house now. He was living a party life of drinking, drugs and women. A lot of drugs and many women. Rick did not like anyone telling him how to run his life, and he was not going to start now. Especially if that “Someone” is invisible and had written a “Book of Rules,” as he viewed the Bible.

I thought differently, though. Since the Bible is true, then the best investment of my life would be to communicate God’s Word to as many people as possible. I knew God had given me a natural affinity for languages, so I began to make plans to attend a Bible College and Graduate School to prepare for ministry overseas. I was going to study Greek and Hebrew (the original languages of the Bible), as well as try to learn another language so I could go to the mission field.

I worked for a year as a janitor to make some money for college at two different places. Rick and I hung out almost daily during that year. In fact, he even did some “Design for Discipleship” books with me because I was so excited! I made sure that there were no drugs, drinking or women when we were together. He was living in an apartment with another guy, and I regularly slept on his couch because we were up late talking and looking at the Bible together.

The day I left for college, Rick called to wish me well. I thought that since he and I had spent so much time together over the previous year, that it would have done some good in changing his lifestyle.

It didn’t. The first sign of major trouble came when I received an emergency phone call. Rick was in trouble. It seems that after I left for college, a girl had moved in with him. Things were going badly with her, he overdosed on cocaine, and now he was thinking of suicide. He needed help, so he called his “little brother” as he always called me. This moniker always baffled me because I am six feet tall and he was five feet seven inches.

Rick not only contemplated suicide; he had attempted it. This scared me, because I did not know what to say to him. I called my Pastor, friend and mentor, Dr. Dave Wyrtzen, and asked what I should do.

“Beau, he has bought Satan’s lie that life is found outside of a relationship with the Lord. If someone buys Satan’s lie long enough, then he will try to kill him by convincing him suicide is the only way out. Your brother needs Jesus.” Pastor Dave explained.

I thanked Pastor Dave for the advice, and asked him to coach me in what to say to my brother. I tried to parrot exactly what Dave had shared with me, and invited Ricky to pray to receive Christ into his life. He agreed, and repeated a prayer after me over the phone.

Wow! Was I ever thrilled! Now things would be different for Ricky like they were for me! When I got home from my first year at college, we would have a great time together! We’d find a church in which we could serve! We would have Bible Studies together! We’d have a blast in the Lord! I wrote him a letter telling him all the things he should do to grow in the Lord until we could get together again.

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8 ESV)


Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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