Joy Unending

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The Power of Words a Blessing or a Curse

Jun 15, 2020

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As a language enthusiast (I have taught English, Spanish and Japanese for many years and am teaching writing courses as an adjunct professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks) I am always amazed at the power of words. God's Word reminds us,

From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:20–21, NIV)

In the early 1200's, a powerful king asked his wise men to go find the most powerful weapon for destruction on the planet. He wanted to expand his kingdom. After six months of searching, they came back with a tongue on a platter. They said, "With this little weapon, people can be destroyed, families embittered against each other, nations can be overthrown, and the world could be completely devastated."

How true!

The tongue can also be the most powerful tool for blessing! We can encourage others, build up kingdoms, strategize for good, and bring people together with our tongues.

But where the power of words comes into real focus is when we forget how the words we choose affect and frame the issues of life. As believers we often want to be so politically correct and unoffensive to others that we allow others to define the issue for us by the words they choose.

Hear that again:
the words we choose frame the issues.

For example, the liberal media realized that it was not to their advantage to allow Christians to frame the abortion debate as "Pro Life" versus "Pro Choice." Christians for years have called themselves "Pro Life." But now when you hear the issue discussed in the media it is framed as "Anti-Choice" and not as "Pro Life."

Small change in word choice - but it is significant. The abortion issue now goes from believers being positive and for the life of the unborn child to being negative and against women's rights.

It is no longer, "Do you believe in life for the unborn child" (Pro Life) to, "Oh, you don't think that a woman has a right to choose? You're so unAmerican. You're intolerant. You're anti-choice. You're so negative and judgmental. Live and let live, etc."

As God says,
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

Let me be very clear. As Francis Shaeffer said,
"There is a right. There is a wrong. There is a good. There is a bad, because God has spoken."

As a Christ-follower, that means that we love what God loves and we hate what he hates. We are Pro-Life because God is Pro-Life. We love homosexuals, but hate the lifestyle they have chosen because God hates it.

We agree with God's Word as being true regarding everything.

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17, NIV)

I met with a couple a few years ago who were very offended about Christians being pro-life. Long story short, God told me that she was not a true believer because of how adamant she was against God's Word on almost every issue.

As a matter of fact, she called me the word that is supposed to be kryptonite to Christians (reference to Superman losing his power due to kryptonite if you are not familiar with the metaphor). She accused me of being INTOLERANT!

I calmly replied that I did not like her intolerance of my intolerance.

My point?
Who is the one being intolerant!
You mean, everyone else is right except a Christ-follower who chooses to love what God loves and hate what He hates?
There's room for everyone but God in the world's universe?!?

When she came to Christ, she told me her view changed dramatically about abortion, homosexuality, just about everything.
She now loves God and loves what He loves and hates what he hates.

How is your intake of God's truth so that you are loving what he loves and hating what he hates?

Are you afraid of offending people with the truth?

Jesus and John the Baptist both began their ministry with the same word: "REPENT!"

We need to repent, dear friends, of shying away from being truth-tellers! As Ephesians 4:15 reminds us,

"Instead, speaking the truth in love ..."

  • What are words for you?
    Blessing or curse?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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