Joy Unending

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The Bible and Disappointment

Nov 12, 2020

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The theme of disappointment is equally needed at all time like the teaching in the Bible. I say that for a number of reasons.

First, disappointments are something we all struggle with every day. How to handle them from a biblical perspective is essential. Some testing may confront us sporadically, but disappointments dog us daily.

Secondly, how to handle our disappointments is something very few of us learn how to do.. Hurting is a normal part of life. The challenge comes when we nurse our disappointments to the extent that it digresses into disillusionment, then depression and not all depression is sin. Some depression is physical. Part of what the Bible calls our “sin nature” is that we all have a tendency to focus on the negatives.

Thirdly, when we speak on this theme of disappointment, it always strikes a chord in the hearts of people. It is almost as if we are trained to put on such a good face with others that we hide our hurts. How many times have you struggled with disappointment only to find that when you are asked, “How are you?” you respond with, “Fine,” when we really aren’t.

Fourthly, it is obvious from what I have written already that I myself was never sufficiently bothered by how much life’s disappointments had siphoned off of my relationship with my family and friends and with the Lord. Why is that? I have asked myself this question many times. I certainly knew Jesus’ message that, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out...” (Matthew 12:20, NIV) But the truth is, I did not believe it at the time. I felt broken, snuffed out. I felt life was over, and I was giving up. Yes, I even had thoughts of suicide.

Fifthly, disappointment is a constant theme in God’s Word. Only four chapters in all of Holy Writ do not have some element of disappointment woven throughout like tapestry – Genesis 1, 2 before the fall of man and Revelation 21, 22 when the new heavens and the new earth become a reality. If disappointment were the color blue, every chapter of the Bible except these four would have some shade of blue.

Sixthly, we need to overcome our disappointment because failure to do so not only hinders the flow of God’s Spirit in our lives, it is also a poor advertisement to the exceedingly great value of knowing God. Honestly, the best commendation for a relationship with the Lord that we can have is a consistently joyful countenance. If someone is reflecting a negative aura regularly, very few people want to be around them.

A seventh reason that the message of disappointment is extremely timely in our day is because a growing number of informed people have recently discerned the need for further teaching on the subject – especially in helping the younger generation live their own message of hope. I believe that one of the main reasons for the decline of the church in America in our generation is the lack of adequate teaching dealing with real life topics. Subjects like handling our disappointments in a God-honoring, biblical manner. Young people today sense that something is very wrong in the “established” church.

Dear friends, we need to squarely face reality: We aren’t doing that well, and we need to understand why to deal with a negative topic in a positive way.

“But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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