Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Sudden Sinkholes and Booby Traps!

Mar 02, 2020

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It happens in an instant.

One minute you are walking and whistling, the next you are wide-eyed and falling. Satan yanks back the sinkhole, and an innocent afternoon stroll becomes a horror story. Helplessly you tumble, aware of the fall but unable to gain control. You crash at the bottom of a seeming sewer and stare blankly into the darkness. You inhale the evil stench and sit in Satan’s sewage until he spits you out and you land, dazed and shell-shocked, on the sidewalk.

Such is the pattern of sudden sin and hidden sinkholes. Can you relate to it?

Very few sins are premeditated and planned. Very few of us would qualify for Satan’s strategy team. We spend our time avoiding sin, not planning it. But don’t think for one minute that, just because you don’t want to fall, you won’t. Satan has a special trick for you that is unique to your particular weakness, and he only pulls it out when you aren’t looking.

This cowardly father of lies doesn’t dare meet you face-to-face. No sir. Don’t expect this demon of demons to challenge you to a duel. Not this snake. He doesn't have the integrity to tell you to turn around and put up your dukes. He fights dirty because he knows we win through Christ.

He is the master of the trapdoors and sinkholes and the author of weak moments. He waits until your back is turned. He waits until your defense is down. He waits until the bell has rung and you are walking back to your corner. Then he aims his dart at your weakest point and …

Bull’s-eye! You lose your temper. You lust. You fall. You take a drag. You buy a drink. You kiss the woman. You follow the crowd. You rationalize. You say yes. You sign your name. You forget who you are. You walk into his room. You look in the window. You break your promise. You buy the magazine. You lie. You covet. You stomp your feet and demand your way.

You deny your Master.

It’s David disrobing Bathsheba. It’s Adam accepting the fruit from Eve. It’s Abraham lying about Sarah. It’s Peter denying that he ever knew Jesus. It’s Noah, drunk and naked in his tent. It’s Lot, in bed with his own daughters. It’s your worst nightmare. It’s sudden. It’s sin.

It's a sudden sinkhole to Satan's sewage.

If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” (1 Corinthians 10:12–13, NLT)

  • How would you get out of the sinkholes?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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