Seven Simple Ways to Experience Happiness and Calm! (From Beyond Happiness Is a Choice)
Jan 22, 2020Click for a free eBook of 10 Prayers that Bring Heaven to Earth … For My Home
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“Peace I leave with you.” (John 14:27)
Calmness has an extremely important role in happiness, to say the least. One solution for happiness is calmness, but how does this actually work?
First, I would be remiss if I did not at least mention the famous seven steps hinted at in Beyond Happiness Is a Choice and stated overtly in Happiness Is a Lifestyle that point toward how to be both happy and calm. They, with some additions, are:
- Be kind toward yourself and others.
- Focus on healthy daily behavior.
- Challenge inaccurate, depressive, and anxious thinking moment by moment.
- Share depressive and anxious feelings.
- Meet dependency needs in healthy ways, not in anxiety-provoking ways (addictions, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy actions).
- Consider the medical dimension. (More on this later)
- Emphasize Christ. Fall in love with Christ. Let Him become your best friend.
To become calm one might want to post these steps on the mirror and every day practice a different one.
- Which one helps you the most to become calm?
Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!
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