Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

On God's Anvil

Nov 27, 2019

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When I was a young child in North Carolina I remember watching my uncle work on horse shoes. He put the horse shoes in a raging, hot fire with tongs, would place them on the anvil close by, and strike them with a hammer to shape them.

After he repeated this process and had hit them hard a few times, he put them in water to cool them off. Then he would take them out to let them dry in the air so they would retain the shape he had made.

A younger cousin, who was known as a smart aleck, came in to the place where our uncle was working and asked what he was doing. When our uncle told him that he was working horse shoes, the cousin asked where they were.

"Over there," our uncle said, pointing with a heavy leather-gloved finger. "But don't touch them. They're hot."

My cousin immediately went to the horse shoes and picked one up.

He let out a yell that could curl your hair and threw it down right away because it burned his fingers.

My uncle and I laughed at him as he sucked his throbbing fingers, as our uncle scolded, "I told you those were hot and not to to touch them!"

"No! They're not hot!" my cousin insisted as he took his fingers out of his mouth. "It just doesn't take me long to look at stuff." 

Have you ever been burned by a poor decision and then pridefully tried to cover it up?

We all have.

That's why God puts us on His anvil.

He wants to shape us, mold us, make us like our Lord Jesus, fashioning us into all that we can be - for His glory.

But if we cover up our faults and cracks, pridefully refusing to acknowledge them, we hinder His work.

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13, NLT)

Are you on the anvil right now?

Be happy! You are being shaped into His image as you humbly receive His working in your life! Don't pridefully cover up where He is shaping you into His image!

  • What can you do to get into His image?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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