Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Killjoys to Happiness

Jan 29, 2020

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One of the common mistakes we all make when it comes to happiness is we fall into the trap of When and Then thinking. In other words, WHEN ... this happens, THEN I’ll be happy.

We have all fallen into the WHEN and THEN thinking throughout our lives. When I get into college… When I get married… When I have a baby… When I get a job… When my kids are born… When my kids leave the house… When and then thinking… then I’ll be happy.

You’re as happy as you choose to be. If you’re unhappy you can’t blame anybody for your unhappiness, because happiness is a choice you make. You don’t go looking for happiness; you create it. It’s something God has given you the ability to create.

The word RESPONSIBILITY means you have the ABILITY to RESPOND! Take responsibility for your happiness. None of us is a victim of our circumstances or other people - we are a victim of our RESPONSES!

And happiness, by the way, is not a goal. It is the byproduct of right thinking and right acting.

However, there are at least four common barriers to happiness. These are Killjoys because when any of these enter into our lives then they’re going to rob our happiness unless we’re prepared for them.

The first one is pain. Pain is a killjoy. It’s hard to be happy and in pain at the same time.

But there’s another one and we’re familiar with this one too. It is picky people. People of all kinds actually can cause you to lose your joy. They can be irritating, they can be demanding, they can be uncooperative, they can be arrogant. People are a common killjoy in life.

It’s better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home.” (Proverbs 21:9, NLT)

  • What is killing your joy today?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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