Joy Unending

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how well do you know the true Christmas story, part 2?

Dec 22, 2019

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How well do you know the true Christmas Story?

Here is a fun quiz to check yourself (answers at the bottom).

11 When the shepherds went looking for Jesus, what was the sign they were to look for?

12 How many wise men or kings or magi came to see Jesus?

13 Matthew 2:8 says that Herod asked the wise men to inform him where the baby Jesus was. Why does this verse say he wanted to know?

14 How old was Jesus when the wise men found him?

15 What are the three gifts which are mentioned being given by the wise men?

16 Which emperor ordered all the young children be killed?

17 What animals does the Bible say were present at the birth of Jesus?

18 What was the name of the unkind innkeeper who would not allow the pregnant Mary to lodge in his inn?

19 What is the name of the priest who was told he would not die until he saw the Savior?

20 Two of the four Gospels do not mention the birth of Christ. Which two?

Answers Below!

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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11 A baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12.

12 The Bible does not say how many wise men there were. Tradition says there were three because of the three gifts. There are even names given to the three wise men in different countries and cultures, but we don’t really know their names. It is also very likely there were many more than just three.

13 So that he could worship the child. But we know that his intentions were far from worship. Matthew 2:11-18.

14 It is certain that Jesus was somewhere between a month old and a couple of years old. The wise men saw His star at his birth and began following it. If the journey was 500 miles from Persia and Mesopotamia (around modern day Iraq) then it would have taken at least a month. By the time they arrived Jesus and His family had moved into a house. Later in the story Herod ordered all the children aged 2 years and younger to be killed. Therefore, Jesus was at least a month old and not yet 2 years old. Matthew 2:9-18.

15 Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11.

16 This was Herod. He ordered all the children in Bethlehem and the outlying areas who were 2 years old and younger to be killed. However, Jesus and His family had already moved to Egypt (Matthew 2:13).

17 In the New Testament accounts of Christ’s birth there is no mention of any animals. However, Isaiah 1:3 could be a prophecy talking about at least a donkey seeing the crib of his Master (God). It could allude to the fact that an ox was there too. If a bunch of shepherds were there, one would assume sheep would have been present. But there is no definite list of animals mentioned in the Bible.

18 The Bible does not say. Nor does it even say that they were inhospitably turned away from an inn. It just says there was not room in the inn at Bethlehem. There may have been many hundreds of people camping in the streets and countryside during the mandatory census. Luke 2:7.

19 Simeon. Luke 2:25, 26.

20 Neither Mark or John tell the story of the birth of Christ.

I know some of these answers were tricky. However, I hope they caused you to think. In fact, one of the answers is based on a very educated guess and may not be completely true. I challenge you to figure out which one that is and come up with a better answer in the comments below.


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