Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

How to See God's Purpose in Your Pain

Nov 02, 2020

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“to fail to meet the expectation or hope of: frustrate.”

“Beau, you have to beat back the feeling of disappointment in your life. You’ve got to keep hope alive. You are getting sour in your soul. Your heart is getting hardened, mistrusting, and you are losing sight of the value of relationships. Dwelling on your disappointments is affecting your relationship with the Lord, your relationship with your family and other people. How is your relationship with your Heavenly Father? Are you sensing closeness with Him? Are you hearing His voice through His Word?”

No one had ever talked to me like that in my entire life.
Dr. Dave Wyrtzen, my Pastor, friend and mentor for many years, was being used of God again to push tons of truth across the bridge of trust we had developed.

I gulped. Honestly, I was very sour in my soul. Truthfully, it had been so long since I had heard from God that I could not remember what it was like. Yes, I was having my regular time of devotions, of prayer, of serving the Lord faithfully as a minister of the Gospel. I even spent one day a week in fasting and prayer. But usually my prayers would digress to having imaginary conversations ricocheting in my mind with invisible people whom I felt partly if not wholly responsible for my disappointment.

You have probably experienced the same challenges.
How many times have you found yourself praying, then someone comes to mind who has hurt your family or you deeply?

If we think about it, we are tempted to ponder, “God knows everything. He can do whatever He wants. If God can do something about (name the situation, event or person), then why doesn’t He? Why didn’t God do something at the time so I would not be so disappointed?”

Disillusionment. Why, God? This is not fair!

Discouragement. God, are You even there? Why are You silent? Why so uninvolved?

Depression. What do You want from us, anyway?

Disappointments come in all shapes, sizes and varieties. In fact, God’s Word calls them “multi-colored trials.” (James 1 2-3) They can range from what others consider trivial items to major setbacks.

While disappointments could revolve around events, or circumstances, by far the most stinging, lasting disappointments involve people. As I have grown older, I find that I disappoint myself far more than others have disappointed me. Only people, circumstances or things we care about can disappoint us.

We are afraid to say it out loud, but if we are brutally honest with ourselves we may find our ultimate source of disappointment is God.

God? Disappoint us?

Who has not prayed for guidance, but it did not come?
Who has not asked for specific answers to prayer, only to find that your voice is bouncing off the ceiling?
Who has not wanted something so badly from the Only One who could provide it, only to feel that no one is there, no one is listening, no one cares?
Who has not had a frustration in his or her relationship with God?

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” (Job 13:15 NJV)

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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