Joy Unending

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How to Be Blessed By the Bible Step2

Aug 14, 2019

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Sally jumped on the elevator beside Jim. They were both going to the nineteenth floor for a meeting.

“Did you just wake up?” Sally asked, looking at Jim through the mirrored walls on the elevator.

“No,” Jim replied. “I’ve been up for a while.” He glanced at Sally in the mirror, who was moving closer to check and correct her mascara and lipstick on the ride up the elevator.

“I am sure glad that put reflective glass in these elevators,” Sally said. “It sure makes the ride seem shorter!” She continued to look at herself, fixing various items on her outfit.

Jim just looked at her in disbelief, wondering why women worry so much about how they look.

This true-to-life scene accurately reflects a verse in God’s Word that deals with how we can be blessed by the Bible.


"Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself immediately goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

James uses an illustration here. God's word is like a mirror. The purpose of a mirror is to evaluate us. We use them to evaluate ourselves. We look in a mirror to assess the damage from the night before. Then we do something about it. What good is a mirror if we don't do anything about what we see? God says a mirror reflects what we're like on the outside. God's word reflects what we're like on the inside.

What is interesting, though, is that the word for “man” in James 1:23 refers to male versus female in the original language. God knows that we men can look at ourselves in the mirror (like Jim) and not correct anything.

Women, on the other hand, cannot pass by a reflection (usually) without correcting something about their appearance.

God, our Creator, knows this natural tendency in the female versus the male. So he is saying to us, “Don’t be like a male who looks at your face in the mirror, walk away and forget what you saw! Be like a female, who looks at the Word of God and corrects what needs correcting!”

Have you ever seen yourself in the Bible?

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12, NLT)

Many years ago, Queen Elizabeth, who was beautiful in her youth, ordered that all of the mirrors be removed from Buckingham Palace because she couldn't stand to face that she was growing old.

A lot of people don't read the Bible because they're afraid. They're unwilling to face themselves and see themselves as they really are. They don't want to look in the mirror of God's Word.

  • How would your story look like in the Bible?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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