Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

How Hopeful Are You Feeling? (Special Email)

Nov 09, 2020

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As I write this, the Presidential Election is hanging in the balance. How hopeful are you feeling right now?

“According to Gallup surveys, confirmed by other polls taken over the past fifteen years, 33 percent of all Americans over age eighteen indicate they are evangelical or “born again” Christians. That translates into 59 million Christians, or one in every three adults, who experienced a turning point in their lives as they made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ.

This information should grip us with terror. It means that the greatest revival in history has so far been impotent to change society. It’s revival without reformation. It’s a revival which left the country floundering in spiritual ignorance. It’s a change in belief without a corresponding change in behavior.…

How did the building blocks of God's Gospel become glued together with the cement of self-centeredness?

It is a change in belief without a change in behavior. It is a spiritual experience without any cultural impact. It is revival without reformation, without repentance.

The proof of true conversion is to demonstrate that we have both added a relationship with Christ and that we have subtracted sin (repentance). Our deeds are the proof of our repentance.

A changed life is one that has added Christ and subtracted sin, that attracts a world weary of worn-out words. Obedience is the proof.”

(From Walking with Christ in the Details of Life by Patrick Morley)

Let’s be honest, dear friend.

It is hard to admit that we are wrong. But when we do, our God who created the universes from nothing comes rushing to help us live out the powerful Word of God.

Overcoming disappointment or any of life’s challenges is cyclical. It does not automatically go away just because we pray about it once. We may have to deal with it again and again. When the Spirit of God nudges us to release a burden that we have carried for so long, it can be painful. It is hard work to make a decision to overcome challenges!

In my case, it was a very deliberate, willful choice to say “no” to disappointment and “yes” to God. I felt a peace that I had not sensed in years. Disappointment, living in a pit or being depressed is not sin. What we do with our disappointments is the key issue.

I decided to release my disappointments to the Lord.

But the next morning, the disappointments were waiting for me by my pillow when I woke up. The first picture that played before my mind’s eye was the disappointing circumstances and the people involved that I had just “let go” to God. The same feelings of despair, discouragement and seeping depression began to marinate in my mind and sour my soul. My growing disappointment began to crowd out any thoughts of the good plans God may have for that day. Immediately, I knew I had to do some major spiritual warfare and remind myself that I specifically remembered casting that care on the Lord (1 Peter 5:7), leaving it in the hands of God. I went through the whole cycle of dealing with my disappointment again. But this time it was easier, not quite as painful, and it did not take as long.

Now I can think of the situations without any emotional baggage at all.

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

I am free!

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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