Joy Unending

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How Genetics Plays Into Your Happiness

Jul 22, 2019

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You shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,” (Deuteronomy 5:9, ESV)

Here are nine connections to these mysterious words in Deuteronomy 5:9:

  • Iniquity means “sin.”
  • Fathers in the Hebrew here literally mean fathers, but fathers can produce stress in mothers.
  • Generation applies to every generation since 1405 BC, but perhaps no generation has lived with more stress than ours. We are the most blessed and the most stressed.
  • “Them that hate me” is a specific warning, and thus not intended for everyone, but implications for everyone remain.
  • Sin can include various choices that produce stress (spiritually, psychologically, and physiologically).
  • Not all stress and choices are harmful and sinful; some are.
  • Sin has consequences.
  • Sin can be forgiven (see 1 John 1:9).
  • Nothing is too difficult for God (see Genesis 18:14) - even happiness.

Below are the genetic risks related to genetic conditions:

  • Bipolar disorder occurs in about .5 - 1 percent of the general population.
  • A parent or sibling - 10 percent. (In 90 percent of the cases of bipolar psychosis, there is a first-degree relative with the disorder.)
  • Fraternal twin raised in the same home - 25 percent.
  • Identical twin raised in the same home - 80 percent.
  • Identical twin raised separately - 75 percent.
  • Major depressive disorder occurs relatively often in certain families. In at least 30 percent of the cases of depression, there is a family history. As in other disorders, if one twin suffers, the risk to the other twin is high:
  • Fraternal twin - 20 percent.
  • Identical twin raised in the same home - 76 percent.
  • Identical twin raised separately - 67 percent.
  • Schizophrenia occurs in only about 1 percent of the general population, but Kallman and Kety have discovered that the risk is much higher if one has a close relative who has suffered from the disorder:
  • One parent - 10 percent risk.
  • Both parents - 50 percent.
  • Sibling - 10 percent.
  • Fraternal twin - 10 percent.
  • Identical twin - 80 to 90 percent.
  • OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) individuals will have a first-degree relative with OCD 40 percent of the time.
  • ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) individuals will have a first-degree relative with ADHD 35 percent of the time.

The genome is the genetic material of an organism; the term is derived from “gene plus chromosome.” A similar term is genotype, which is the genetic constitution of an individual. It also consists of the set of alleles, or variations, for a given trait. The National Human Genome Project found that any two humans are 99.9 percent the same genetically. Most common human diseases (↑ BP [blood pressure], DM [diabetes mellitus], ASHD [arteriosclerotic heart disease], and major depressive disorder have multifactorial inheritance. The genetic and environmental liabilities exceed a biological threshold, and diseases result. Though genetic factors exist, often no clear mode of inheritance can be specified. Incidentally, phenotype refers to the observable traits and physical appearance of a person.

Now, lest you felt unhappy - and now feel even more unhappy - hold on. Hope for happiness is on the way.

  • What habits did you inherited from your parents?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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