Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

God's answer for Christmas worry

Dec 06, 2019

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“God took one look at me, and look what happened - I’m the most fortunate woman on earth! What God has done for me will never be forgotten”
(Luke 1:48 The Message).

Let’s be honest. Becoming a first-time parent is a tough transition for anyone. Late-night feedings, the regular rhythm of dirty diapers, and fussy colic experiences can make even the most prepared new parent feel like they’re living in a daze.

But put yourself in Mary’s place. Even though she has never been intimate with a man, an angel comes to her and says,
“You’re going to be the mother of the Son of God.”

That’s a pretty stressful pronouncement.

The Bible says she responded to this news just like any of us would - she worried.

“Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean”
(Luke 1:29 NLT).

This Christmas you might be in Mary’s shoes. You don’t know what this year has in store for you. God is leading you to do something new. A job is coming to an end. A relationship appears over.

So you’re worrying.

Worry is essentially a control issue. It’s trying to control the uncontrollable. We can’t control the economy, so we worry about the economy. We can’t control our children, so we worry about our children. We can’t control the future, so we worry about the future. But worry never solves anything! It’s stewing without doing.

What does Mary do with her worry?

She changes her perspective and leans on the promises of God.

Mary said:

“God took one look at me, and look what happened - I’m the most fortunate woman on earth! What God has done for me will never be forgotten”
(Luke 1:48 The Message).

Mary’s entire prayer in Luke 1 is full of Scripture from the Old Testament. She was a woman of the Word. Instead of focusing on her situation, she focuses on the promises of God.

Yes, you may be facing an impossible situation this Christmas. But the Bible declares over and over in its pages that God has your back.

God promises to help us as we get healthy, become better parents, eliminate our debt, and more. But unless we know and claim those promises, we’ll worry needlessly about our future.

  • Are you ready to trust God for whatever is in store for the new year?
    What are you doing with your worries?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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