Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

do you have a "yes" face?, part 2

Sep 27, 2019

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During his days as president, Thomas Jefferson and a group of companions were traveling across the country on horseback. They came to a river which had left its banks because of a recent downpour. The swollen river had washed the bridge away. Each rider was forced to ford the river on horseback, fighting for his life against the rapid currents. The very real possibility of death threatened each rider, which caused a traveler who was not part of their group to step aside and watch.

After several had plunged in and made it to the other side, the stranger asked President Jefferson if he would ferry him across the river. The president agreed without hesitation. The man climbed on, and shortly thereafter the two of them made it safely to the other side.

As the stranger slid off the back of the saddle onto dry ground, one in the group asked him, "Tell me, why did you select the president to ask this favor of?" The man was shocked, admitting he had no idea it was the President who had helped him. "All I know," he said, "is that on some of your faces was written the answer 'No,' and on some of them was the answer 'Yes.'

His was a 'Yes' face."

Freedom gives people a "Yes" face. I am confident Jesus had a "Yes" face. I have never seen Him, but I've determined from what I've read about Him that this was true. What a contrast He must have been!

He was surrounded by educated people, religious, robed, righteous, law-quoting, professional men whose very demeanor announced "NO!" Pious on the outside, killers within . . . yet none of their poison seeped into His life.

On the contrary, He revolutionized the entire direction of humanity because He announced "Yes" while all His professional peers were frowning "No."

That has intrigued me for years.
How could it be?
What was it that kept Him from getting caught in their grip?

In one word, it was grace. He was so full of truth and grace, He left no inner space for their legalistic poison.

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17, NIV)

Today, please have a "YES!" face as you allow the Lord to live through you!

  • How do you get your YES face?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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