Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Depth, not Length

Jun 04, 2020

Click for a free eBook of 10 Prayers that Bring Heaven to Earth … For My Home
Jesus is Knocking - Will You Answer?
Grab your free copy of the First Two Chapters, Study Guide and Video Series of My Heart is Christ’s Home.

Depth, not length, is important.…

When the Gettysburg battleground became a national cemetery, Edward Everett was to give the dedication speech and Abraham Lincoln was asked to say “a few appropriate words.” Everett spoke eloquently for one hour and fifty-seven minutes then took his seat as the crowd roared its enthusiastic approval. Then Lincoln stood to his feet, slipped on his steel spectacles, and began what we know today as the “Gettysburg Address.” Poignant words “… The world will little note nor long remember …” - suddenly, he was finished. No more than two minutes after he had begun he stopped. His talk had been so prayerlike it seemed almost inappropriate to applaud. As Lincoln sank into his settee, John Young of the Philadelphia Press whispered, “Is that all?” The President answered, “Yes, that’s all.”

Don’t underestimate two minutes with God in prayer.

When Peter was sinking after walking on water, he uttered, "Lord, save me!" I love that simple prayer! You can't take out any word and have the same meaning!

Why not shoot up "sky texts" continually asking for God's guidance, help and saving during your day?

Look at it like a constant cough or quick cry for help!

pray continually,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NIV)

  • When did you have the feeling that praying is useless?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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