Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Can You Pass This Quick Quiz?

Dec 14, 2020

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How well do you know the true Christmas story?

This fun quiz (today and the next email) should help you understand how much misunderstanding there is surrounding the birth of Christ.

No cheating - but the answers are at the bottom!

Joseph and Mary

1 Who told Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem?

2 True or False: Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus because they were following a star.

3 What form of transportation did Mary and Joseph use to get to Bethlehem?


4 Which Old Testament prophet had the most to say about the birth of Christ?

5 In the accounts announcing the birth of Christ (Matthew 1 and Luke 1 and 2) how many times did an angel or angels appear?

6 Who told Joseph the baby’s name was to be Jesus?

7 Can you list 5 names of Jesus found in the Bible? Some on my list are from Old Testament prophecies.

8 What are the meanings of the names Jesus and Emmanuel?

Shepherds and Wise Men

9 The shepherds and the wise men went to see Jesus. Which group followed a star and which group went to find the baby because an angel told them where to look?

10 What did the angels sing to the shepherds?

Answers Below

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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1 Caesar Augustus. He ordered the people to go back to the city of their forefathers. Joseph’s family was from Bethlehem. Luke 2:1.

2 False. As in the previous answer, they went not because an angel told them or because a star led them. They were obedient to the established governmental authority.

3 The Bible does not say how they went from Galilee to Bethlehem. It was an 80 mile trip for them. It is likely that they rode some type of animal, but the Bible gives no details. It is commonly depicted that Mary rode a donkey while Joseph walked along side. But that is simply an artistic depiction. We don’t really know.

4 The book of Isaiah has much to say about the birth of the Savior. If you have ever heard the oratorio by George Handel called The Messiah, you have heard many direct quotes from the book of Isaiah concerning the birth of Christ.

5 At least 3 angelic announcements for the birth of Christ and 1 for the birth of John. For Christ an angel appeared before Mary and Joseph individually and a multitude of angels spoke to the shepherds. For John’s birth announcement in Luke 1 Gabriel appeared before John’s father to announce the birth of John the Baptist. Matthew 1:20-24; Luke 1:11-20; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 2:9-15.

6 An angel in Matthew 1:21. The Bible does not say that this was Gabriel; however, it is assumed to be him since he was the one specifically mentioned as the messenger to Mary and Zacharias in Luke 1.

7 Jesus, Emmanuel, the Christ, Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:21, 23.

8 Jesus means Savior and Emmanuel means God with us. Jesus is the same name as the Old Testament name Joshua which also means Savior. Matthew 1:21, 23.

9 The shepherds followed the instructions of the angels in Luke 2:9-15. The wise men followed the star to find the place where Jesus was. Matthew 2:1, 2.

10 Technically angels are never said to “sing” in the Bible. Each time they appear they only speak. However, to answer the question, the angels praised God with these words: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14. Since the Fall of Man in Genesis 3, angels only SPEAK, they do not SING AGAIN until Revelation 4 when man is redeemed in heaven.


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