Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Can God Trust Me?

Mar 19, 2020

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When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home.
(John 19:26–27, NLT)

Of the last seven words by Jesus from the cross, this is extremely touching. As the oldest male child, it was Jesus' responsibility to care for his mother. Most scholars believe that Joseph, Mary's husband, had long-since died because he is not mentioned after the birth narratives.

Jesus was dying on the cross for our sins and yet he cared for His mother. Keep in mind the crucifixion was before the welfare or Social Security systems were in place. Jesus had something he was obligated to do. He needed someone to care for His mother. Jesus turned to someone He knew He could trust to fulfill His obligation to take care of His aging mother.

He said to the disciple He loved (John, who was so humble he never even named himself as the author of the Gospel that bears his name),

"And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home."

I want to be careful in how I communicate what I am thinking about this passage. It is hard to describe God as having a "need," but Jesus had a need on the cross. He needed someone to look after His mother, because it was His responsibility. So He turned to someone He could trust. He trusted John, so Jesus asked John to do it.

According to Acts and Church History, all of the disciples were scattered and some were brutally martyred for the sake of Christ (Peter was crucified upside-down according to tradition because he felt unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as his Lord, Paul was beheaded, Thomas went to India as a missionary, etc.).

All of the Apostles dispersed - except for one. John stayed in Jerusalem to care for his friend's mother. He lived to be an old man exiled to the island of Patmos, where he wrote Revelation. But he did not leave Jerusalem until his friend's mother died.

We know that John trusted Jesus. John trusted Jesus for his salvation. John trusted Jesus with his life. John trusted Jesus completely.

But we learn from this passage that Jesus also trusted John. Jesus trusted John to meet a need that He had.

Which leads to this question:
Can God trust you? Can God trust me?

I've asked many times through these emails if you trust God. I hope your answer is,
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES!"

But just this once, let's ask,
"Can God trust me?"

Can God trust me to deal with the Covid 19 or cancer without getting bitter toward Him?

Can God trust me to deal with prodigal children without giving up praying and believing they will return to the Lord?

Can God trust me to deal with financial challenges?

Can God trust me to rear that hard-to-handle teenager with patience and grace?

Can God trust me to "hunker down" with my family by being selfless, others-centered and giving up my rights?

There's always a long line of people who will sign up to serve God as long as He does what we want or expect. People are always praying for health, even wealth, and a smooth, trouble-free life.

What about when He doesn't answer our prayers the way we want?

  • Can God trust me?
    This Easter picture Jesus hanging on the Cross looking down at you and asking you, "Can I trust you with ___________________________?"
    What about when He dosen't answer your prayers the way you want?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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