Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

Brown Oxfords and Jesus

May 03, 2021

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As a church-planting pastor for many years, I have seen and been a part of some hilarious things that happened at church. I'd like to share some of these with you over the next few emails.

I was preparing to speak at a funeral for a dear, older gentleman in Iola, KS. He had served as the school principal for many years and had been married for over 55 years. He was survived by his widow.

While speaking with the Funeral Home Director about the details for the funeral service, his widow came rushing in on her wheelchair. She interrupted us with, "What are you doing? I told you how I wanted him dressed!"

We were both startled by how angry she seemed. She usually spoke quietly, but she entered this Funeral Home mouth first and upset.

"What did I do wrong, ma'am," the Funeral Home Director replied politely.

She had a pair of brown and white oxford shoes (you know, the wingtips from the 1950s) on her lap. She said, "I told you that he wore these shoes all the time and I hate these shoes. I always have. These ugly shoes are going down with him, and I don't care how they go as long as they are with him and out of my sight."

"We already have the body prepared, ma'am."

"Then open the casket right now!" 

He did and she put the shoes on his lap and demanded the lid be closed. She looked very pleased with herself as she wheeled out toward the church.

When she left, we looked at each other and smiled. I asked the Funeral Home Director if that sort of thing happens very often.

He grinned and replied, "You know, we do our best here to accommodate the families. Probably the worst thing that happened was I put the wrong suit color on a gentleman last year. His widow was furious and she let me have it. Cussed me up one side and down the other. As she was leaving, I don't know what came over me, but I yelled to my son, 'Hey, switch the head of number 2 with number 4 so we have the right color suit!'" (Of course, he didn't really do that!)

As I spoke at the funeral later that day, every time I glanced at that dear widow's smug smile, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

  • What funny things have you witnessed? Send them to me and I just may share them with the 7,000 people who subscribe to these emails.

 Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!



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