Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

a young college student's answer

Jun 22, 2020

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I remember sitting in a Modern History class at the University of North Carolina Charlotte in 1984. One of the students asked if the professor thought Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro could beat Ronald Reagan in the upcoming election. The professor responded with, "I don't think if Jesus Christ were running with Mondale that he would win."

As a new Christ-follower, the Holy Spirit was offended inside me at his comment, and I asked him in class,
"What if Jesus is very important to someone and finds your comment offensive?"

He responded with, "Get the f*** over it. I'm Jewish."

So Jesus can be bashed, but what if he had said that about Allah, or Mohamed?

Why is it we hear people Damning God all the time but if someone hit their thumb with a hammer and said, "Oh! Buddha!" or "F*** - Mohammed!" or "Allah Damn!" what outcry would occur?

Maybe it's my age, or my desire to say or do something that makes a lasting difference for the Lord, but I get tired of being so Politically Correct that we lose our common sense.

The rest of the story in this classroom is that I approached the professor after class with respect and humility, and shared the Gospel of Jesus with him. He listened to everything I had to say, then replied, "You know, you are the seventh student this semester who has come up to me and said this same thing to me.  Do you think God is trying to tell me something?"

I told him, "Absolutely, He is!"

"Well," he continued. "I can't believe the Bible because it's full of contradictions."

"Really?" I replied. "I've read it through a couple of times and haven't found one yet. So if I give you a Bible, will you read it and show me one?"

He looked at me for a long moment and said, "I will. I'll read it when I'm by my pool sipping my martinis, but I will show you some contradictions in the Bible by the end of the semester."

I gave him a Bible with a short note inside telling him that I - and the other students who shared with him - were praying for him.

I'm still waiting for him to show me just one contradiction in God's Word.

There's more than one way to get an unbeliever to read God's Word!

As Charles Spurgeon said,
"Defend the Bible? I'd rather defend a lion!"

The challenge is most people have an opinion about the Bible, but have never read it!

  • What do you think about the Bible?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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