Joy Unending

This blog contains thoughts and discussions to challenge your heart and build your understandings of how to access and experience real, lasting joy.

A grandfather's letter to his granddaughter (Guest Email)

Dec 02, 2019

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When I first moved to Alaska, God led me to a wonderful, retired couple who are Commercial Salmon Fishermen. I rented a small cabin from them and they were very kind to me, helping me adjust to life in Alaska (lack of sunlight, the cold, how to get fresh produce, etc.) and became very dear friends. We would have Bible Studies with others in our area weekly until I moved to "Bush Alaska." He called me recently to ask about the biblical accuracy of what he wrote to his granddaughter for Christmas. It was so wonderful I asked if I could share it with you. He agreed - and would ask that you share it with others as well as allow him to remain anonymous (because it's about the Lord, not him). Please forward this and invite them to our emails at

In describing the cross of Christ, the Bible says "cursed is the man who hangs from a tree". Jesus was held on that tree not by nails but by his love for you.

Jesus came to restore that which was lost through the sin by Adam and Eve in the garden. By his blood He washes away our sins and gives you His forgiveness and eternal life. When God the father looks at you He no longer sees sin. Now that you are in Christ He sees the righteousness of Christ His son and is well pleased.

Under this tree we find many other unearned, unmerited gifts through the grace of God.

Healing your sickness and disease-by His stripes you are healed. Shalom - the peace that comes from wholeness and completeness. Prosperity - Jesus became poor so you could become rich. Lastly, dominion that was lost in the garden was restored to mankind.

We open these grace gifts by simple faith. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

Jesus wraps this up in his love and seals it inside us with the Holy Spirit so it can never be lost. We walk in victory knowing our High Priest carries us.

It is finished!

Merry Christmas

P.S. The wages of sin is death. He took your place.

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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Before you unsubscribe, please don't go! I am going to release the 22 books I have written (some with best-selling co-authors) through this email list first for a special discount (many free). If you want to email me about any concerns, please reply to this email and I will respond within the day.


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