Joy Unending

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A grand experiment in democracy

Oct 04, 2019

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There was an old man who was a great admirer of democracy and public education. So close to his heart did he hold both institutions that he tried to bring them together into one grand experiment, a public college where students would practice self-governance. There would be no regulations; the goodwill and judgment of the students would suffice. After years of planning, the school was finally opened. The old man was overjoyed.

But as the months went by, students proved time and time again that they were not the models of discipline and discernment the old man envisioned. They skipped classes, drank to excess, and wasted hours in doing anything but learning. One night, 14 students, disguised by masks and “animated with wine,” went on a rampage that ended in a brawl. One struck a professor with a brick, and another used a cane to beat his victim unconscious.

In response, the college’s trustees convened a special meeting. The old man, now 82 years old and very frail, was asked to address the student body. In his remarks, he recalled the lofty principles he had in mind when he started the college. He said he had expected more - much more - from the students. He even confessed that this was the most painful event of his life. Suddenly, he stopped speaking. Tears welled up in his failing eyes. He was so overcome with grief that he sat down, unable to go on.

His audience was so touched that at the conclusion of the meeting the 14 offenders stepped forward to admit their guilt. But they could not undo the damage already done. A strict code of conduct and numerous stringent regulations were instituted at the college. The old man’s experiment had failed.
Because he took for granted the one essential ingredient necessary for success: virtue.

Only righteous, virtuous people can secure and maintain their freedom.

A short time later, on the Fourth of July, the old man passed away. Engraved on his tombstone were the simple words that reflected the success and failure of his most important experiments:

“Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and father of the University of Virginia.”

And now you know the final years of the life of Thomas Jefferson and his "grand experiment" that failed.


Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
(Proverbs 14:34, ESV)

  • Did you experience in your life huge failure?

Rejoicing, On the Victory Side!


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